I have spent countless nights working my butt of to get where I am. For the past few years now I've been going to school full time, teaching drumset and percussion for the Community Music Program at the University of Louisville, writing for Modern Drummer, building my own educational website, and doing freelance videography on the side, all to pursue my dreams. But the simple fact is that all of my hard work was made possible by the sacrifices of others. My wife has been the most supportive and loving person a guy could ever ask for. She has devoted herself completely to loving me and our three beautiful boys, all while working night shift every single weekend as a pediatric nurse. There is probably a special place in Heaven for people like her. To my beautiful Southern Indiana Princess, thank you so much for your love and support. In addition to my amazing wife, is my amazing mother and mother in-law. Raising children and pursuing your dreams often times don't work well together. The balance sometimes is simply too difficult to obtain. But with the tremendous support of my mom and Kathy, my mother in-law, we have been able to get closer and closer to that balance. Especially since I have been in school full time, their help and support has been one of the biggest blessings that I have received. We will all be celebrating in May when I finally graduate!
I would also like to thank all of the amazing people at Modern Drummer for believing in me and giving me opportunities to provide what I hope is some of the best drumming content around! To my brother from another mother, Mike, you have been a dear friend and mentor. Thanks man. It's been such an honor to be a part of such a beautiful community of people, and I look forward to many more years of working together. Last, but certainly not least, I would like to thank my father. Papi, you have been such an inspiration. If I even had half of your passion for drums and life, I would literally be glowing as the joy coursed through my veins. After meeting some of the world's greatest drummers, I still haven't met anyone as dedicated and passionate about it as you! Just being around you helps me to fall in love with drumming all over again. It's awesome to take a step back and realize that I could keep writing about all of the people that have supported me over the years. I am truly blessed. The reason that I chose to make this such a public statement is that I hope to encourage you all to keep pursuing your dreams too. It's never too late to start over. It's never too late to dream big. And sometimes, when you can't dream big enough, life has a way of doing it for you. Dream big friends, Miguel